Sherpany was founded in 2011 with a vision of creating a world where every meeting counts.
Sherpany supports leaders and their companies to increase meeting productivity and ultimately achieve more across teams and organisations. Meetings are the most impactful leadership instrument. Because business leaders spend more than half their workweek in meetings, it is critical for them to use them to their full potential and aim to make every meeting excellent.
The Sherpany approach to effective meeting management combines people, process and technology. Understanding and applying our scientifically developed framework leads to faster decision-making, more streamlined collaboration between your leaders and their teams, and ultimately maximises impact by pushing your business forward.
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Sherpany wurde 2011 mit der Vision gegründet, eine Welt zu schaffen, in der jedes Meeting zählt.
In den Terminkalendern von Führungskräften stapeln sich immer wieder Meetings, wobei viele von ihnen ihre Zeit verschwenden. Deshalb helfen wir Führungskräften dabei, produktivere Meetings durchzuführen. Wir haben das Azend®-Framework für formales Meeting-Management entwickelt, das evidenzbasierte Best Practices bereitstellt. Unsere SaaS-Meeting-Management-Lösung folgt diesen Best Practices und ebnet den Weg zu produktiven Meetings.