2 Day Data Bootcamp: A Taste of Le Wagon's 9-Week Bootcamp

Event Summary:

Unleash the power of data in a thrilling two-day Data Mastery Mini Bootcamp! Join us for an immersive experience where you'll delve into the world of data analysis, machine learning, and practical applications. Whether you're a beginner or have some data experience, this event is designed to ignite your passion for data-driven insights and equip you with valuable skills.

More info here


9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Breakfast & Welcome Session

10:00 AM - 01:00 PM: Lecture & Challenges

Block 1: Introduction to Python Basics

Start your data journey by mastering the basics of Python programming. We'll cover fundamental topics such as data types, functions, control flow, lists, and loops. Learn how to manipulate and analyse data efficiently using Python. Through hands-on exercises and practical examples, you'll gain a foundation in Python and its syntax. By the end of this block, you'll be ready to tackle data analysis tasks with confidence.

01:00 PM - 02:30 PM: Lunch Break at Le Halles

02:30 PM - 05:00 PM: Lecture & Challenges

Block 2: Data Manipulation with Python

Learn the essentials of data manipulation with Python. Explore libraries like Pandas and NumPy to load, clean, and transform data. Discover techniques for filtering, sorting, and summarising datasets. Gain hands-on experience with real-world data and extract meaningful insights. Topics covered include Jupyter Notebook, Python documentation, Google Dataset Search, Kaggle, Pandas for data manipulation, and Seaborn for data visualization. By the end, you'll have an overview to efficiently manipulate and analyze datasets using Python.

05:00 PM - 06:00 PM: Recap Session


9:45 AM: Arrival

10:00 AM - 01:00 PM: Lecture & Challenges

Block 3: Introduction to Machine Learning

Enter the realm of machine learning, where data-driven algorithms can make predictions and uncover patterns automatically. Explore the foundations of machine learning, including supervised and unsupervised learning, and learn how to evaluate model performance. Discover popular machine learning algorithms and understand how they can be applied to real-world problems.

01:00 - 02:00 PM: Lunch Break

02:30 - 05:30 PM: Intro to Exercise & Data Sets

Block 4: Practical Exercise - Stock Prediction and/or Gender Inequality Prediction Date

Put your skills to the test with a practical exercise that brings real-world applications to life. Choose between two exciting options: stock prediction or gender inequality prediction. Apply your newfound knowledge of data analysis and machine learning to tackle a specific problem. Gain hands-on experience as you work with real datasets, build predictive models, and extract valuable insights.

05:30 - 06:00 PM: Results Presentation

06:00 - 07:00 PM: Drinks & Networking

Throughout the bootcamp, our experienced instructors will guide you through the material, answer your questions, and provide practical tips for data analysis using Python. Collaborate with fellow participants, share insights, and expand your network in a supportive learning environment.

Don't miss out on this immersive Python Essentials Mini Bootcamp for data analysis. Enhance your Python skills, explore the potential of machine learning, and apply your knowledge to real-world challenges. Whether you're looking to enter the field of data analysis or level up your existing skills, this event is the perfect opportunity to take the next step.

Limited spots are available, so secure your place now and unlock the power of Python for data analysis!

If you have questions, please contact sara.placido@lewagon.org


Saturday, Oct 21st and Sunday, Oct 22nd


Impact Hub Zürich

Viadukt, Event Space Bogen D

Viaduktstrasse 93, 8005 Zurich


From 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM


220 CHF early-bird tickets until Sep 30th

350 CHF regular tickets

The best part? Afterwards, if you ever decide to register for a Le Wagon bootcamp in Zurich, the amount you paid for the mini bootcamp will be deducted from the bootcamp fee ?

About Impact Hub Zurich:

The global community of entrepreneurial people prototyping the future of business. At Impact Hub Zurich, you can connect, collaborate, co-work and create great content in an inspiring environment.

Upcoming Bootcamps:

Data Analytics Full-time in Zurich

Data Science Full-time in Zurich 15 Jan. 23 >> 15 Mar. 23

Web Dev Full-time in Zurich 15 Jan. 23 >> 15 Mar. 23

Follow Le Wagon Zurich on social media:





21/10/2023 – 22/10/2023 - 09:00 – 19:00
Le Wagon Zurich