Take a 3D-dive into the world of Machine Learning...

… and get a glimpse at what lies behind Artificial Intelligence.

Immersive analytics allows us to visualize data in new ways: It turns the surrounding space into a data canvas. This facilitates the interpretation of complex data for everyone – with or without expert knowledge. 

Drop by and dive into 3D-visualized data with the immersive analytics system developed at the Mobiliar Lab for Analytics at ETH Zurich. See how the winner of ETH’s Innovedum prize can be used for everyday problem solving in industry by facilitating teamwork between managers and data scientists.

The Lab is a joint initiative of ETH Zurich and Mobiliar. We seek to understand how new technologies – like conversational agents, holographic or virtual reality – can improve interactions between humans and machines. Visit our exhibit at ETH’s main building and try out our app with the HoloLens 2.

Ort: ETH Hauptgebäude, Haupthalle E30 Ost Rämistrasse 101, 8006 Zürich
Öffnungszeiten: Mi 21.09 - Fr. 23.9.22 08:00 bis 20:00 und Sa. 24.9 - So 25.09.00 jeweils von 09:00 bis 17:00
Demo und Dialog mit Forschenden: Mi 21.09 von 15:00 bis 17:00 und So 25.09 von 13:00 bis 15:00

Photo Credit (c) Gian Klain 2020


21/09/2022 – 25/09/2022 - 07:30 – 17:00
German, English